Heads up: Discussion of loss of pets.

It’s so very important to organize regular, daily visits for your pets when you travel. I have spoken with many who believe that a visit once every other day is sufficient for their cat. I want to let you know that it is not. Anything can happen to your kitty at any moment, including a health crisis or getting stuck somewhere in your home or a home alarm blaring and scaring them half to death. I’ve had all three of these things happen while watching a vacationing client’s pet. Most recently, a cat suffered a blood clot between my morning and evening visits. She was in so much pain by the time I arrived . I rushed that kitty to the emergency vet after speaking with the client and, heartbreakingly, she did not pull through. Please consider, even if your cat is not social, that they still need daily or twice daily visits to ensure they are safe and healthy. Not to forget, your home needs a security check while you’re traveling, too! I won’t get started on the leaks and burst pipes I have dealt with .

This photo is of sweet Franklin, a new client of mine that I get to see again soon. I just love the color of his eyes!